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How can you disable eth1 during runtime?
In order to disable a network card, for the current runtime , you can run the command "ifdown eth1" or "ifconfig eth1 down".
How can you get the current username that you are logged in with?
You can find the user that you are logged in with, using the commands "who am I" or "whoami".
Using the apt-get application, how can you install gcc compiler?
The apt-get allows you to download and install new applications like gcc - apt-get install gcc
How do you run the internal "remote-desktop" VNC application on Linux?
In order to run the vncserver daemon and connect to the server using a vncviewer on port 15000 + vnc instance number (15001,15002).
How can you find all lines starting with the word "Error" in the log file "mylog.log", with a single command?
The Linux command look allows you to find only lines beginning with the provided string - look Error mylog.log