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  • Oracle Database 10g Administrator I (OCA) 1z0-042
Which of the following statements creates an Oracle account, but lets the operating system authenticate logons?
  • A.
    create user ops$admin identified by os;
  • B.
    create user ops$admin identified externally;
  • C.
    create user ops$admin nopassword;
  • D.
    create user ops$admin authenticated by os;
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Answer : [B]
Explanation :
Authentication by the operating system is called external authentication, and the Oracle account name must match the operating system account name prefixed with the OS_AUTHENT_ PREFIX string.
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Which of the following types of statements can use a temporary tablespace?
  • A.
    An index creation
  • B.
    SQL statements with a GROUP BY clause
  • C.
    A hash join operation
  • D.
    All of the above
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Answer : [D]
Explanation :
Any operation that requires a large sort or other creation of temporary segments will create, alter, and drop those temporary segments in the TEMPORARY tablespace.
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Which of the following statements gives user desmond the ability to alter table gl.accounts?
  • A.
    grant alter on gl.accounts to desmond;
  • B.
    grant alter to desmond on gl.accounts;
  • C.
    grant alter table to desmond;
  • D.
    allow desmond to alter table gl.accounts;
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Answer : [A]
Explanation :
Altering a table in another user's schema requires either the object privilege ALTER on that object or the system privilege ALTER ANY TABLE. Option A has the correct syntax for granting the object privilege on ALTER gl.accounts to user desmond. Although option C would allow user desmond to alter his own tables, he would need the ALTER ANY TABLE privilege to alter another user's table.
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Which of the following statements gives user desmond the ability to alter table gl.accounts as well as give this ability to other accounts?
  • A.
    grant alter any table with grant option to desmond;
  • B.
    grant alter on gl.accounts to desmond with admin option;
  • C.
    grant alter any table to desmond with grant option;
  • D.
    grant alter any table to desmond with admin option;
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Answer : [D]
Explanation :
Either the ALTER ANY TABLE system privilege or the ALTER object privilege is required. To confer the ability to further grant the privilege requires the keywords WITH ADMIN OPTION for system or role privileges or the keywords WITH GRANT OPTION for object privileges. Only option D has both the correct syntax and the correct keywords.
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The following SQL statement will allow user regina to perform which operations on sequence oe.orders_seq?
GRANT ALL ON oe.orders_seq TO regina;
  • A.
    Select the next value from oe.orders_seq..
  • B.
    Alter sequence oe.orders_seq to change the next value.
  • C.
    Change the number of sequence numbers that will be cached in memory.
  • D.
    Both A and C.
  • E.
    All of the above.
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Answer : [D]
Explanation :
The ALL option for a sequence includes the SELECT and ALTER privileges. The SELECT privilege lets Regina select the next value from the sequence. The ALTER privilege lets Regina change the cache but not the next value.
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