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How can you get a view of the calendar of January 2004 on a Linux console?
You can get the view of month/year calendar with the command: cal 01 2004.
You have 100 .txt files in a directory, you want to know in which file you have the string "Error Found", how can you do it?
You will need to use the command "grep" in order to find data in files - grep "Error Found" *.txt
What command is used to get the IP address(es) of the domain name Google.com in Linux?
In order to find the related IP Address(es) of the domain google.com, you can use "nslookup google.com"
What will be the outcome of the following command - touch - m myFile?
If the file exists, it will only change the modification time of the file, if the file doesn't exist, it will create it.
Given the directory "myImportantFiles" how can you create a tar file "myImportantTar.tar" containing this folder?
You need to use the tar command to create a tar file - tar -cf myImportantTar.tar myImportantFiles.