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What type of solutions enable enterprises or individuals to store their data and computer files on the Internet using a storage service provider rather than storing the data locally on a physical disk, such as a hard drive or tape backup?

  • A.
    Online backups
  • B.
    Cloud backup solutions
  • C.
    Removable hard drives
  • D.
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Answer : [B]
Explanation :
Cloud backup solutions enable enterprises to store their data and computer files on the Internet using a storage service rather than storing data locally on a hard disk or tape backup. This has the added benefit of providing access to data should the primary business location be damaged in some way that prevents accessing or restoring data locally due to damaged infrastructure or equipment. Online backups and removable hard drives are other options but do not by default supply the customer with ubiquitous access. Masking is a technology used to partially conceal sensitive data.
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When using an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) solution, what is the key benefit for the customer?
  • A.
  • B.
    Metered service
  • C.
    Energy and cooling efficiencies
  • D.
    Transfer of ownership cost
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Answer : [D]
Explanation :
The primary benefit to the customer of using Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is the transfer of cost of ownership. In a cloud environment, the customer uses and is billed only for what they use as opposed to the full cost of implementation, saving them a significant amount in terms of cost of ownership. While scalability, metered service, and energy and cooling efficiencies are a part of the benefit of a cloud computing environment, they are not the primary benefit or business driver behind IaaS adoption.
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__________focuses on security and encryption to prevent unauthorized copying and limitations on distribution to only those who pay.
  • A.
    Digital rights management (DRM)
  • B.
    Enterprise digital rights management
  • C.
    Bit splitting
  • D.
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Answer : [A]
Explanation :
Digital rights management (DRM) was designed to focus on security and encryption as a means of preventing unauthorized copying and limitations on distribution of content to only those authorized (purchasers). Enterprise digital rights management, also known as information rights management (IRM), is a subset of DRM and typically refers to businessto- business securing of information rights. Bit splitting is a method of hiding information across multiple geographical boundaries, and degaussing is a method of deleting data permanently from magnetic media.
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Which of the following represents the correct set of four cloud deployment models?
  • A.
    Public, Private, Joint and Community
  • B.
    Public, Private, Hybrid, and Community
  • C.
    Public, Internet, Hybrid, and Community
  • D.
    External, Private, Hybrid, and Community
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Answer : [B]
Explanation :
The only correct answer for this is Public, Private, Hybrid, and Community. Joint, Internet, and External are not cloud models.
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What is a special mathematical code that allows encryption hardware/software to encode and then decipher an encrypted message called?
  • A.
  • B.
    Encryption key
  • C.
    Public key
  • D.
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Answer : [B]
Explanation :
An encryption key is just that: a key used to encrypt and decrypt information. It is mathematical code that supports either hardware- or software-based encryption used to encode or decode information.
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