Choose two SGA structures that are required in every Oracle instance.

  • A.
    Large pool
  • B.
    Shared pool
  • C.
    Buffer cache
  • D.
    Java pool
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Answer : [B, C]
Explanation :
Database buffer cache, shared pool, and log buffer are required; they are configured automatically in every instance. It is better to use Automatic Memory Management or Automatic Shared Memory Management, so that the DBA does not need to tune individual components.
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Which statement is true?
  • A.
    A database can have only one control file.
  • B.
    A database must have at least two control files.
  • C.
    A database may have zero or more control files.
  • D.
    A database must have at least one control file.
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Answer : [D]
Explanation :
The control file is the most key file in an Oracle database. Due to its importance, it is a good practice to have two more copies of the file. A database must have at least one control file to start the database.
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Which component is configured at database startup and cannot be dynamically managed?
  • A.
    Redo log buffer
  • B.
    Streams pool
  • C.
    Java pool
  • D.
    Shared pool
  • E.
    None of the above
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Answer : [A]
Explanation :
An Oracle database allows you to manage all memory components dynamically, except the redo log buffer. Redo log buffer is set at instance startup and is not dynamically alterable without restarting the instance.
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Which component is not part of an Oracle instance?
  • A.
    System global area
  • B.
    Process monitor
  • C.
    Control file
  • D.
    Shared pool
  • E.
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Answer : [C]
Explanation :
Control file, data file, and redo log files are part of the Oracle database. The Oracle instance constitutes the memory structures and background processes.
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Which background process guarantees that committed data is saved even when the changes have not been recorded in data files?
  • A.
  • B.
  • C.
  • D.
  • E.
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Answer : [C]
Explanation :
The log writer (LGWR) process writes the redo log buffer information to the online redo log files. A commit operation is completed only after the redo buffer is written to online redo log files.
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