No. The main purpose of an index is to enhance data retrieval speed, although a unique index stops duplicate values in a table.
Cardinality refers to the uniqueness of the data within a column. The SSN column is an example of such a column.
The index might not be of any use for performance issues, but the unique index would keep referential integrity intact.
This is implementation specific. In some implementations, the closing of the cursor enables you to reuse the name and even free the memory, where as for other implementations you must use the DEALLOCATE statement before you can reuse the name.
Triggers can be executed before or after an INSERT, DELETE, or UPDATE statement. Many different types of triggers can be created.
They do not support the statement because they automatically deallocate the cursor resources when the cursor is closed.
Cursors are not considered set-based operations because they operate on only one row at a time by fetching a row from memory and performing some action with it
A DATETIME data type cannot be accurately compared to a date value defined as a character string. The character string must first be converted to the DATETIME data type.
Yes. The owner of a view is automatically granted the appropriate privileges on the view.
No. You can only use the DELETE, INSERT, and UPDATEcommands on views you create from a single table.