Which statement removes a database privilege?
The REVOKE statement removes database privileges.
What command creates a grouping or collection of tables, views, and privileges?
The CREATE SCHEMA statement.
What is the difference in SQL Server between a login account and a database user
The login account grants access to the SQL Server instance to log in and access resources. The database user account is what gains access to the database and is assigned rights.
What option must a user have to grant another user privileges to an object not
owned by the user?
When privileges are granted to PUBLIC, do all database users acquire the privileges
or only specified users?
All users of the database are granted the privileges.
What privilege is required to look at data in a specific table?
The SELECT privilege.
What type of privilege is SELECT?
An object-level privilege.
What option revokes a user’s privilege to an object as well as the other users that
they might have granted privileges to by use of the GRANT option?
The CASCADE option is used with the REVOKE statement to remove other users’ access that was granted by the affected user.
Can you delete a row of data from a view that you created from multiple tables?
No. You can use only the DELETE, INSERT, and UPDATE commands on views you create from a single table.
When creating a table, the owner is automatically granted the appropriate privileges
on that table. Is this true when creating a view?
Yes. The owner of a view is automatically granted the appropriate privileges on the view.