What does the DEALLOCATE statement do in SQL Server 2005?

Remove a reference to a cursor. This statement is used to remove cursor references. If this is the last reference being removed, the cursor's resources are released.

What does the CREATE SERVICE statement do in SQL Server 2005?

This statement is used to setup new tasks for Service Broker queues. This statement is ue to create a new Service Broker service that is a set of tasks that are run on messages.

In the SQL Server 2005 thesaurus XML configuration file, what is the expansion set?

Expansion sets are synonyms for the search term and returned as results if they appear along with the search term. The expansion set is the group of values that are synonyms and can be substituted for the search term. For example, an expansion set can be "SS2K5", "SQL Server 2005", "SQL2K5". In this case, fields with any of these 3 values would be returned as a result for searches on "SQL Server 2005".

What does a report model provide in SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services?

A report model provides familiar business names for database tables and fields A Report model provides business names and terms for database fields and tables. It allows for predefined relationships between tables as well as grouping items together logically.

How can you determine which Service Broker ports are being used on your server?

Query the system catalog view: sys.conversation_endpoints The system catalog view sys.conversation_endpoints will show you which Service Broker endpoints, and therefore ports, are open on your server.