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Which protocols does Azure Active Directory provide application endpoints for? (Choose all that apply.)
- A.WS-Federation
- B.Federation metadata document
- D.OAuth 2.0
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Answer : [A, C, D]
Explanation :
Explanation :
A. Correct: The WS-Federation endpoint is used often for browser-based web applications
and provides user sign in and sign out support. B. Incorrect: The federation metadata document endpoint contains metadata for the Azure Active Directory tenant, such as the certificate used to sign the security tokens it issues. C. Correct: SAML-P provides support for the SAML 2.0 web browser single sign-on and sign-out profiles. D. Correct: Azure Active Directory supports the OAuth 2.0 protocol via the OAuth 2.0 token endpoint and the OAuth 2.0 authorization endpoint. |
Which application setting in Azure Active Directory is used to uniquely identify a web application that has been added to the directory?
- A.Sign-on URL
- B.Reply URL
- C.Application ID URI
- D.Name
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Answer : [C]
Explanation :
Explanation :
A. Incorrect: The sign-on URL is the URL where clients can access the application using
a browser or other web tool. B. Incorrect: The reply URL is where Azure Active Directory will redirect the user to after a client has been authenticated and authorized to access the application. C. Correct: The application ID URI is used to uniquely identify an application added to Azure Active Directory. D. Incorrect: The name setting is only a friendly name chosen for the application and can be any value. The name is displayed in the applications page of Azure Active Directory for each application. |
What is the URL for the security token service (STS) endpoint that issues a SAML token
for an authenticated user?
- A.https://sts.windows.net/
- B.https://login.windows.net/
/saml2 - C.https://login.windows.net/
/wsfed/li> D.https://graph.windows.net/
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Answer : [A]
Explanation :
Explanation :
A. Correct: The URL https://sts.windows.net/ B. Incorrect: The URL https://login.windows.net/ C. Incorrect: The URL https://login.windows.net/ D. Incorrect: The URL https://graph.windows.net/ |
A developer building a web application for your organization needs the certificate that
your Azure Active Directory uses to sign SAML tokens. Which application endpoint
should you provide the developer?
- A.WS-Federation sign-on endpoint
- B.SAML-P sign-on endpoint
- C.Graph API endpoint
- D.Federation metadata document endpoint
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Answer : [D]
Explanation :
Explanation :
A. Incorrect: The WS-Federation sign-on endpoint is where unauthenticated users of
an application configured for WS-Federation are redirected to sign in. B. Incorrect: The SAML-P sign-on endpoint is where unauthenticated users of an application configured for SAML-P are redirected at to sign in. C. Incorrect: The Graph API endpoint is used by applications to read and/or write data in the Azure Active Directory. D. Correct: The federation metadata document endpoint points to the metadata document for the Azure Active Directory, which contains the certificate used to sign SAML tokens. |
Which of the address spaces is valid for an Azure virtual network? (Choose all that apply.)
- A.
- B.
- C.
- D.
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Answer : [A, B, D]
Explanation :
Explanation :
A. Correct: This address space is valid for RFC 1918 and Azure Virtual Networks. B. Correct: This address space is valid for RFC 1918 and Azure Virtual Networks. C. Incorrect: This address space is not valid for RFC 1918 and thus is not valid for an Azure virtual network. D. Correct: This address space is valid for RFC 1918 and Azure Virtual Networks. |