Which Azure PowerShell cmdlet is used to create a new Azure website?
  • A.
  • B.
  • C.
  • D.
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Answer : [B]
Explanation :
A. Incorrect: Publish-AzureWebsite is the cmdlet used to publish the web application (or code) into a deployment slot of the website.
B. Correct: New-AzureWebsite is the cmdlet used to create a new Azure website. At a minimum, you need to specify the location for the website and a unique DNS name.
C. Incorrect: New-AzureWebsiteJob is the cmdlet used to create a WebJob.
D. Incorrect: Set-AzureWebsite is the cmdlet used to set website properties, such as application settings, connection strings, framework versions, and more.
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Which of the following are valid task types for a WebJob? (Choose all that apply.)
  • A.
  • B.
  • C.
  • D.
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Answer : [ B, C, D]
Explanation :
A. Incorrect: Recurring is not a valid task type.
B. Correct: On-Demand is a valid task type.
C. Correct: Scheduled is a valid task type.
D. Correct: Continuous is a valid task type.
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Which site settings can you define that can be read at application runtime using environment variables? (Choose all that apply.)
  • A.
    Connection strings
  • B.
    Handler mappings
  • C.
    Application settings
  • D.
    .NET Framework Version
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Answer : [A, C]
Explanation :
A. Correct: Connection strings can be retrieved at runtime as environment variables. The environment variable name will have a prefix of SQLAZURECONNSTR_, SQLCONNSTR_, MYSQLCONNSTR_, or CUSTOMCONNSTR_.
B. Incorrect: Handler mappings is not a setting that can be retrieved at runtime as an environment variable. The handler mapping is used to define a custom processing script for a particular file extension.
C. Correct: Application settings can be retrieved at runtime as environment variables. The environment variable name will have a name starting with APPSETTING_.
D. Incorrect: The .NET Framework version is a configuration setting in the site settings and is not something you define. You can only change its value.
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Which Azure PowerShell cmdlet is used to add an endpoint to a Traffic Manager profile?
  • A.
  • B.
  • C.
  • D.
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Answer : [D]
Explanation :
A. Incorrect: Enable-AzureTrafficManagerProfile is used to enable an existing Traffic Manager profile that was previously disabled.
B. Incorrect: Set-AzureTrafficManagerEndpoint is used to update the properties of an existing Traffic Manager endpoint.
C. Incorrect: Set-AzureTrafficManagerProfile is used to update the properties of an existing Traffic Manager profile. However, after updating the profile to include the new endpoint, this cmdlet would have to be called to update the profile in Azure.
D. Correct: Add-AzureTrafficManagerEndpoint adds a new endpoint to a Traffic Manager profile. The result of this cmdlet is piped into (or passed as a parameter) to the Set-AzureTrafficMaanagerProfile cmdlet to apply the change in Azure.
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Which are valid site diagnostic logs in Azure Websites? (Choose all that apply.)
  • A.
    Application diagnostics
  • B.
    Web server logging
  • C.
    Detailed error messages
  • D.
    Failed request tracing
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Answer : [B, C, D]
Explanation :
A. Incorrect: Application diagnostics is the other category of diagnostic logs. It is used to capture logging from the application.
B. Correct: Web server logging is part of site diagnostics. It contains all requests to the website in W3C extended log file format.
C. Correct: Detailed error messages is part of site diagnostics. It contains error information for requests that result in an HTTP 400 code or higher.
D. Correct: Failed request tracing is part of site diagnostics. It contains information about failed requests to the website and also traces from the IIS components that were involved in processing the request. The Freb.xsl file is present in the same folder to enhance the viewing experience of the failed request log.
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