What is the conventional name for a locally compiled, bootable Linux kernel on an x 86 system?
  • A.
    /boot/vmlinux - version
  • B.
  • C.
    /boot/bzImage - version
  • D.
    /usr/src/linux - version
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Answer : [C]
Explanation :
Locally compiled Linux kernels are usually called /boot/bzImage or /boot/bzImage - version , where version is the version number. The vmlinux file is a complete but unbootable kernel image used to generate other image file formats, so option A is incorrect. The /boot/vmlinuz or /boot/vmlinuz - version file is the stock distribution's kernel, not a locally compiled kernel, so option B is incorrect. The /usr/src/linux - version name is held by the Linux kernel source directory, not a compile kernel file, so option D is incorrect.
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Which of the following statements about /usr/src/linux is usually true?
  • A.
    It is a symbolic link to a directory holding the system's current kernel source code, or the version currently being prepared.
  • B.
    It holds subdirectories, each of which contains the source code for a different version of the Linux kernel.
  • C.
    It contains kernel binaries for x 86, x 86 - 64, PowerPC, Alpha, and several other CPU architectures.
  • D.
    Because of its sensitive contents, it should never be accessed by anybody but the system's superuser ( root ).
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Answer : [A]
Explanation :
Option A correctly describes the usual state of /usr/src/linux . Option B is incorrect because /usr/src/linux usually points to just one version of the Linux kernel. Option B might be true of /usr/src , though. Option C is incorrect because, although the Linux kernel source tree can be used to build binaries for a wide range of CPUs, it's rare to build them all on one computer. Option D is incorrect because the kernel source tree is readily available from the Internet; there's nothing particularly sensitive about it or about the intermediate files or final binaries produced. Furthermore, access to some kernel header files is required by ordinary users who need to compile software.
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In what directory might you look for information on options that can be applied to your computer's Ethernet driver module?
  • A.
  • B.
  • C.
  • D.
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Answer : [A]
Explanation :
The /usr/src/linux/Documentation directory tree holds files that describe the features of many Linux kernel subsystems and modules, including Ethernet drives. Thus, this directory is a good place to look for the specified information. Options B and C both describe fictitious locations. Option D is one common name for a modules configuration file. Although you might find your system's current Ethernet options in this file, they might not be well documented. Furthermore, the question asks for a directory , and /etc/ modules.conf is a file . Thus, option D is incorrect.
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Which type of kernel image has been largely abandoned on x 86 computers in favor of the bzImage format?
  • A.
  • B.
  • C.
  • D.
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Answer : [B]
Explanation :
The zImage format was once common on x 86 computers but has largely been abandoned on that platform, as the question specifies. Option A, vmlinux , is the name used by a complete but unbootable form of the Linux kernel generated as an intermediate step in preparing other kernel formats. Options C and D are names given to initial RAM disks, not kernel images.
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Which of the following commands, when typed in /usr/src/linux after configuring the kernel, compile the main Linux kernel file and its modules?
  • A.
    make bzImage
  • B.
    make modules
  • C.
    make xconfig
  • D.
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Answer : [D]
Explanation :
Typing make alone will build both the main kernel file and all the kernel modules, so option D is correct. Alternatively, you could type the commands specified by both options A and B; however, these options build the kernel file and the modules alone, respectively, so neither one alone is adequate and both options are incorrect. Option C specifies one of several kernel configuration commands; it won't build a kernel or its modules and so is incorrect.
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