Do you need a legacy namespace for an ActiveSync client with a mailbox on Exchange 2007 when the URL that is registered in the device points to Exchange 2013 endpoint?
  • A.
  • B.
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Answer : [B]
Explanation :
A. Incorrect: You do not need a legacy namespace because Exchange 2013 will proxy the connection to the Exchange 2007 server.
B. Correct: Legacy namespaces are required for OWA 2007 only because this is the only protocol that redirects. The rest proxy, and so do not require additional namespaces.
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WWhat is the TCP port on the server recommended for client SMTP connections?
  • A.
  • B.
  • C.
  • D.
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Answer : [C]
Explanation :
A. Incorrect: Though port 25 can receive authenticated client connections, port 587 is recommended for client-to-server communications because 25 is reserved for SMTP server to SMTP server communications.
B. Incorrect: Port 475 is the Mailbox Transport Delivery service port for Exchange Transport delivering to the mailbox, and is not for client communications.
C. Correct: TCP port 587 is recommended for mail user agents (MUA) connecting to mail transport agents (MTA). An MUA is SMTP speak for an SMTP client and an MTA is an SMTP server, such as Exchange Server.
D. Incorrect: Port 2525 is used by Exchange Server 2013 transport service when both the CAS and Mailbox role are installed on the same server.
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Which types of accepted domain will always forward messages if they are not resolved to local recipients?
  • A.
  • B.
    Internal Relay
  • C.
    External Relay
  • D.
    Edge Server Relay
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Answer : [B, C]
Explanation :
A. Incorrect: Authoritative accepted domains will deliver to a valid recipient or reject the message.
B. Correct: Internal relay accepted domains will forward the message to the MX record or preferably a send connector that routes to the next hop when a message address cannot be resolved locally.
C. Correct: External relay accepted domains are the same as internal relay accepted domains (answer B) with regard to delivering to a valid recipient, or forwarding onward to the next hop.
D. Incorrect: This is not a valid domain type.
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What cmdlet is used to update the AutoDiscover SCP value for a given Exchange Server?
  • A.
  • B.
  • C.
  • D.
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Answer : [A]
Explanation :
A. Correct: “Set-ClientAccessServer -AutoDiscoverServiceInternalUri https://autodiscover.contoso.com/Autodiscover/Autodiscover.xml” is an example of this cmdlet.
B. Incorrect: Set-ExchangeServer does not set the SCP.
C. Incorrect: Set-MailboxServer does not set the SCP.
D. Incorrect: Set-AutoDiscoverVirtualDirectory does not set the SCP.
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From what versions of Exchange Server can you upgrade to Exchange Server 2013 directly?
  • A.
    Exchange Server 2000
  • B.
    Exchange Server 2003
  • C.
    Exchange Server 2007
  • D.
    Exchange Server 2010
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Answer : [C, D]
Explanation :
A. Incorrect: Exchange Server 2000 needs to be migrated to a separate forest and with either PST migration or third-party tools. It can be migrated via Exchange Server 2007 or Exchange Server 2010.
B. Incorrect: Exchange Server 2003 needs to be migrated to a separate forest and with either PST migration or third-party tools. It can be migrated via Exchange Server 2007 or Exchange Server 2010.
C. Correct: This upgrade is allowed.
D. Correct: This upgrade is allowed.
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