What is Monitor Mode?
  • A.
    R1 will always choose the Security SISAS through R22.
  • B.
    Using the authentication open interface configuration command on 802.1X enabled interfaces
  • C.
    A method for identifying which device would have failed authentication and correcting the root cause prior to it taking effect
  • D.
    A method for alerting the administrator of failed authentications, so the end user may be called and manually granted network access
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Answer : [C]
Explanation :
Monitor Mode is a process, not just a command on a switch. The process is to enable authentication (with authentication open), see exactly what devices fail and which ones succeed, and correct the failed authentications before they cause any problems.
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What is Low-Impact Mode?
  • A.
    One of the two end states of authentication that limits access but still uses the authentication open interface configuration command
  • B.
    One of the two end states of authentication that limits access but is less secure than closed mode
  • C.
    A method to ensure authentications occur, but the authorizations are ignored, so as not to cause a denial of service
  • D.
    A method for identifying which device would have failed authentication and correcting the root cause prior to it taking effect
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Answer : [A]
Explanation :
Low-Impact Mode uses authentication open, but adds security on top of the framework that was built in Monitor Mode. It uses a PACL on the switch port to permit critical traffic of certain endpoints, like thin-clients, to function prior to an attempted authentication. After the authentication, the authorization should provide specific access, unlike Monitor Mode, which is the same pre and post authentication.
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What is the primary benefit of a phased deployment approach?
  • A.
    It allows an endpoint to go through multiple phases of authentication prior to gaining network access, including dual-factor authentication.
  • B.
    It permits you to use Cisco proprietary technology and therefore increase Cisco’s stock value.
  • C.
    It enables additional security protocols to extend authentications, such as the use of smart cards.
  • D.
    To ensure that a port, switch, or location is fully ready to be successful before enabling enforcement and specific authorization results.
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Answer : [D]
Explanation :
By using a phased deployment approach, you are able to start off in Monitor Mode and gradually transition into the end state of either Low-Impact Mode or Closed Mode. By doing so, you can avoid the denial of service that can often happen with 802.1X deployments.
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True or False? The authentication open command performs EAP authentications but ignores authorization results.
  • A.
  • B.
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Answer : [A]
Explanation :
authentication open will ignore RADIUS Access-Reject responses, but all other authorization results will be honored and enforced.
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True of False? authentication open allows all traffic to pass through the switch port before the authentication result is received from the AAA server.
  • A.
  • B.
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Answer : [A]
Explanation :
authentication open allows traffic to flow with our without an authentication. When an authorization result is sent back from the authentication server, the switch will ignore RADIUS Access-Reject responses, but all other authorization results will be honored and enforced.
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