The Posture Service is comprised of which of the following functional components? (Select three.)
  • A.
  • B.
    Client provisioning
  • C.
    Authorization policy
  • D.
    Mobile device managers
  • E.
    Access lists
  • F.
    Guest Servicess
  • G.
    Posture Policy
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Answer : [B, C, G]
Explanation :
The three major functional areas of the Posture Service are Client Provisioning, Posture Policy, and Authorization Policy. The first, Client Provisioning, is the process by which the NAC agent is installed on the endpoint. The second, Posture Policy, is the configuration of the Posture rules: what is compliant and what is not compliant within the security policy. The final functional area is Authorization Policy. After we have determined the compliance or noncompliance of the endpoint, what will the endpoint have access to.
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What are the three possible posture outcomes following the initial connection to the network?
  • A.
    Location, Location, and Location
  • B.
    Routes, Translations, and Permissions
  • C.
    Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting
  • D.
    Compliant, Noncompliant, and Unknown
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Answer : [D]
Explanation :
The three possible posture outcomes following the initial connection to the network are Compliant, Noncompliant, and Unknown. Compliant implies that the endpoint fully adheres to the company’s security policy as configured on ISE. Noncompliant implies that there is at least one deviation from the company security policy. Unknown implies that there is not an agent present on the device and, therefore, the endpoint is unable to report its posture to ISE.
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Which is a benefit of a NAC web agent versus a persistent agent?
  • A.
    The web agent provides enhanced remediation techniques.
  • B.
    The web agent does not require Administrator privileges to install.
  • C.
    The web agent provides additional firewall functionality for the endpoint.
  • D.
    The web agent can provide a greater number of Posture conditions.
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Answer : [B]
Explanation :
One benefit of the NAC web agent is that it does not require administrative privileges to install. Unfortunately, the web agent is lacking additional features that are standard in the persistent agent.
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True or False? The Process Check posture condition is supported on all NAC agent types.
  • A.
  • B.
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Answer : [B]
Explanation :
The Process Check posture condition is not supported on Macintosh operating systems.
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The File condition for Posture does which of the following?
  • A.
    Checks the existence of a file
  • B.
    Checks the date of a file
  • C.
    Checks the version of a file on the client
  • D.
    All of the above
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Answer : [D]
Explanation :
The File condition for Posture can check the existence, date, and version of a file on the client. This can be very useful to determine if a particular endpoint is vulnerable to a new virus or if a specific software package is present on the endpoint. This feature is only supported on Windows PCs.
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