You have found a command on /bin/ that you don't know what it does, and you want a brief explanation about it, what do you do in order to find it?

You can find a command brief information using: whatis <command>

What is the difference between locate and slocate?

Unlike locate, which will search the updated results for the file, slocate will look for files that the user have access to.

What does the command locate expecting in order to provide successful results?

The command locate relays on the database created by updatedb and will provide results according to the last updated db.

How can you search for the word "FindMe" in all of the ".txt" files in the current directory, recursively?

Find . -name "*.txt" | xargs grep "FindMe"

How can you send a message "Hello everyone" to everyone who is currently connected to the system?

If you want to send a message to all of the connected users, you can use the command "wall Hello everyone".