How can you find your hardware configuration and description of the local machine?

Using the DMI table decoder (dmidecode) you can see your system hardware and configuration.

How can you mount an NTFS partition on Linux?

You need to use an external application "ntfs-3g" also called "mount.ntfs" in order to mount ntfs.

What is the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable?

It is an environment variable set to give the RT Shared library loader extra directories to look for when searching for shared libraries.

How can you get the Access, Modify and Change date & time of the file "myFile"?

In order to get those times, you need to use stat myFile and look for the Access/Modify/Change information.

You want to save the mysql DB "mySQLDB" to a file "mySQLDB.sql", how can you do it?

You can use the mysqldump command to dump a database – mysqldump -u username -p mySQLDB > mySQLDB.sql