Where does the Linux system save its passwords?

The Linux system passwords are encrypted and saved in /etc/shadow.

You're using a Linux system and you're not sure which distribution you're using right now, how do you check it?

In order to find the Linux distro information, you can use: cat /etc/*release

How can you check how many ports are currently being used (listening) on the local machine, and which application is listening on each port?
 In order to know the listening ports and applications, you can check netstat output: netstat -tupln
You've forgotten the root password, how can you login to your system in order to change it?

Reboot the machine and start the Linux in single mode, change the password, and login with the new password.

How can you change the behavior of the Linux DNS search to first look for DNS and only then in the hosts files?

Change hosts parameter in /etc/nsswitch.conf from "files dns" to "dns files".