How can you add the service sshd to start when starting at INIT level 3?
You need to use the chkconfig tool in order to change the runlevel parameters:
chkconfg --level 3 sshd on. 
How can you dump all the packets of http traffic into http.out?

In order to capture network traffic, we should use tcpdump.
tcpdump tcp port 80 -s0 -w http.out.
You want to check a slow download from a remote server to check long download sessions, how can you do it?
 In order to download a file and be able to cap your connection you can use the wget network limitation option:
               wget http://test.com/bigfile.zip --limit-rate=10k.
How can you check the mail queue of an exim mail server?

The exim mail server allows a quick and clean command to view the mail queue – mailq.

How do you configure the nfs exports/mounts of your machine?

The /etc/export allows you to create nfs exports and expose them to the world.