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Physics -- Heat and Thermodynamics
The first law of thermodynamics incorporates the concepts of (Choose Multiple Answers)
- A.conservation of energy
- B.conservation of heat
- C.conservation of work
- D.equivalence of heat and work
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Answer : [A,D]
The internal energy of a system remains constant when it undergoes (Choose Multiple Answers)
- A.a cyclic process
- B.an isothermal process
- C.an adiabatic process
- D.any process in which the heat given out by the system is equal to the work done on the system
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Answer : [A, B, D]
For an ideal gas, (Choose Multiple Answers)
- A.the change in internal energy in a constant-pressure process from temperature T1 to T2 is equal to nCV(T2 - T1), where CV is the molar heat capacity at constant volume and n is the number of moles of the gas
- B.the change in internal energy of the gas and the work done by the gas are equal in magnitude in an adiabatic process
- C.the internal energy does not change in an isothermal process
- D.no heat is added or removed in an adiabatic process
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Answer : [A, B, C, D]
The molar heat capacity for an ideal gas (Choose Multiple Answers)
- A.is zero for an adiabatic process
- B.is infinite for an isothermal process
- C.depends only on the nature of the gas for a process in which either volume or pressure is constant
- D.is equal to the product of the molecular weight and specific heat capacity for any process
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Answer : [A,B,C,D]
cp is always greater than cV for a gas. Which of the following statements provide, party or wholly, the reason for this? (Choose Multiple Answers)
- A.No work is done by a gas at constant volume.
- B.When a gas absorbs heat at constant pressure, its volume must change.
- C.For the same change in temperature, the internal energy of a gas changes by a smaller amount at constant volume than at constant pressure.
- D.The internal energy of an ideal gas is a function only of its temperature.
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Answer : [A,B]