


Tales from Shakespeare Charles Lamb
Talisman Walter Scott
Tess of the D’Urbervilles Thomas Hardy
Testament of Beauty Robert Bridges
Thank You Jeeves P.G.Wodehouse
The Adventures of Angle March Saul Bellow
The Interpretors Whole Soyinka
The God of Small Things Arundathi Roy
The Great Depression of 1990 Ravi Batra
The Mousetrap Agatha Christie
The Old Devils Kingsley Amiss
The struggle in My Life Nelson Mandela
The Tempest Shakespeare
The Third World in the Age of Globalisation Ash Narain Roy
Thirukkural Thiruvalluvar
Tholkappiya Poonga M. Karunanidhi
Three Musketeers Alexander Dumas
Thieves in the Night Arthur Koestler
Time of Hope C.P.Snow
Time Machine H.G.Wells
To Light a Candle Welthy Fisher
Tom Jones Henry Fielding
Tom Sawyer Mark Twain
Towards Total Revolution Jayaprakash Narayan
Towards New Horizons Dinesh Singh
Travels with a Donkey R.L.Stevenson
Treasure Island John Masefield
Triumph, The J.K.Galbraith
Tropic of Cancer Henry Miller
The True History of Kelley Gang Peter Carey
To Live or not to Live Nirad C.Chowdhury
The Fall of a Sparrow Salim Ali
The Power and The Glory Graham Greene
The Sound and the Fury Faulkner William
The Round Table Hazlitt William
Tamerlaine the Great Marlows Christopher
Trinity Leon Uris
Trumpet Major, The Thomas Hardy
Tulsi Sat Sai Tulsidas
Twelfth Night Shakespeare
Two Leaves and a Bud Mulk Raj Anand
Two Women Alberto Moravia
Tryst with Destiny S.Gopalan
Tyagpatra Jainendra