


Painter Signs T.K.Narayan
Panchali Sapatham Subramania Bharati
Panchatantra Vishnu Sharma
Paradise Lost John Milton
Philosophy of Right Hegel G.W.E.
Pickwick Papers Charles Dickens
Pilgrim's Progress John Bunyan
Pompei of the Great John Masefield
Post Office, The (Dak Ghar) Rabindranath Tagore
Prathama Pratishruti Ashapurna Devi
Price of Power Seymour Hersh
Prince, The Machiavelli
Prison Diary Jayaprakash Narayan
Prithvi Raj Raso Chand Bardai
Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen
Professor, the Charlotte Bronte
Principle of Mathematics Bertrand Russel