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Suppose the HouseBoat class implements the IHouse interface implicitly and the IBoat inter- face explicitly. Which of the following statements is false?
  • A.
    The code can use a HouseBoat object to access its IHouse members.
  • B.
    The code can use a HouseBoat object to access its IBoat members.
  • C.
    The code can treat a HouseBoat object as an IHouse to access its IHouse members.
  • D.
    The code can treat a HouseBoat object as an IBoat to access its IBoat members.
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Answer : [B]
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Which of the following is not a good use of interfaces?
  • A.
    To simulate multiple inheritance.
  • B.
    To allow the code to treat objects that implement the interface polymorphically as if they were of the interface’s “class.”
  • C.
    To allow the program to treat objects from unrelated classes in a uniform way.
  • D.
    To reuse the code defined by the interface.
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Answer : [D]
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Suppose you want to make a Recipe class to store cooking recipes and you want to sort the Recipes by the MainIngredient property. In that case, which of the following interfaces would probably be most useful?
  • A.
  • B.
  • C.
  • D.
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Answer : [B]
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Which of the following statements is true?
  • A.
    A class can inherit from at most one class and implement at most one interface.
  • B.
    A class can inherit from any number classes and implement any number of interfaces.
  • C.
    A class can inherit from at most one class and implement any number of interfaces.
  • D.
    A class can inherit from any number of classes and implement at most one interface.
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Answer : [C]
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A program can use the IEnumerable and IEnumerator interfaces to do which of the following?
  • A.
    Use MoveNext and Reset to move through a list of objects.
  • B.
    Use foreach to move through a list of objects.
  • C.
    Move through a list of objects by index.
  • D.
    Use the yield return statement to make a list of objects for iteration.
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Answer : [A]
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