How do you find how many cpu are in your system and there details?

By looking into file /etc/cpuinfo for example you can use below command:
cat /proc/cpuinfo

How do you check if a particular process is listening on a particular port on remote host?

By using telnet command for example "telnet hostname port", if it able to successfully connect then some process is listening on that port.

How do you find whether your system is 32 bit or 64 bit ?

Either by using "uname -a" command or by using "arch" command.

How do you find for how many days your Server is up?

By using uptime command in UNIX

Your application home directory is full? How will you find which directory is taking how much space?

By using disk usage (DU) command in Unix for example du -sh . | grep G will list down all the directory which has GIGS in Size.