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An if statement with multiple elif clauses is often the most straightforward way to code a multiway branch, though not necessarily the most concise or flexible. Dictionary indexing can often achieve the same result, especially if the dictionary contains callable functions coded with def statements or lambda expressions.
In Python 2.5 and later, the expression form Y if X else Z returns Y if X is true, or Z otherwise; it’s the same as a four-line if statement. The and/or combination (((X and Y) or Z)) can work the same way, but it’s more obscure and requires that the Y part be true.
Wrap up the statement in an open syntactic pair ((), [], or {}), and it can span as many lines as you like; the statement ends when Python sees the closing (right) half of the pair, and lines 2 and beyond of the statement can begin at any indentation level. Backslash continuations work too, but are broadly discouraged in the Python world.
True and False are just custom versions of the integers 1 and 0, respectively: they always stand for Boolean true and false values in Python. They’re available for use in truth tests and variable initialization, and are printed for expression results at the interactive prompt. In all these roles, they serve as a more mnemonic and hence readable alternative to 1 and 0.
The while loop is a general looping statement, but the for is designed to iterate across items in a sequence or other iterable. Although the while can imitate the for with counter loops, it takes more code and might run slower.
The break statement exits a loop immediately (you wind up below the entire while or for loop statement), and continue jumps back to the top of the loop (you wind up positioned just before the test in while or the next item fetch in for).
The else clause in a while or for loop will be run once as the loop is exiting, if the loop exits normally (without running into a break statement). A break exits the loop immediately, skipping the else part on the way out (if there is one).
The range built-in can be used in a for to implement a fixed number of repetitions, to scan by offsets instead of items at offsets, to skip successive items as you go, and to change a list while stepping across it. None of these roles requires range, and most have alternatives—scanning actual items, three-limit slices, and list comprehensions are often better solutions today (despite the natural inclinations of ex–C programmers to want to count things!).
A function is created when Python reaches and runs the def statement; this statement creates a function object and assigns it the function’s name. This normally happens when the enclosing module file is imported by another module (recall that imports run the code in a file from top to bottom, including any defs), but it can also occur when a def is typed interactively or nested in other statements, such as ifs.
The function body (the code nested inside the function definition statement) is run when the function is later called with a call expression. The body runs anew each time the function is called.