Do other libraries besides jQuery implement Ajax?

Certainly. There are many libraries and frameworks that help you implement Ajax, some popular ones being Dojo, MooTools, and Prototype.

When concatenating multiple values into a single cookie, can you use any character as a delimiter?

You can’t use any character that might appear in your escaped data (except as the delimiter character), nor can you use equals (=) or the semicolon (;) as these are used to assemble and concatenate the name=value pairs in document.cookie. Additionally, cookies may not include whitespace or commas, so naturally they cannot be used as delimiters either.

Are cookies safe?

Questions are often raised over the security of cookies, but such fears are largely unfounded. Cookies can help website owners and advertisers track your browsing habits, and they can (and do) use such information to select advertisements and promotions to show on web pages that you visit. Website owners and advertisers can’t, however, find out personal information about you or access other items on your hard disk simply through the use of cookies.

How can I follow the progress of the ECMAScript 6 specification?

Probably the best online resource is the official ECMAScript wiki (http://wiki.ecmascript.org/).

Who or what is Ecma?

Ecma is an international, membership-based, non-profit standards organization, originally called the European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA). The organization was founded in 1961 to standardize computer systems throughout Europe.

What is the background of AngularJS?

AngularJS was developed in 2009 by a company called Brat Tech LLC as part of a commercial JSON storage service. It was later released as an open-source library, which Google employees continue to maintain and support.

Are there any other options besides <noscript> for dealing with users who don’t have JavaScript enabled?

An alternative that avoids <noscript> is to send users who do have JavaScript support to an alternative page containing JavaScript-powered enhancements:
<script>window.location="enhancedPage.html";</script> If JavaScript is available and activated, the script redirects the user to the enhanced page. If the browser doesn’t have JavaScript support, the script won’t be executed, and the user is left viewing the more basic version.

Can I write a Firefox extension in a similar way to the Chrome extension described here?

The Mozilla way of creating extensions is a little more complex; in addition to JavaScript, you’ll have to mess a little with XML too. You’ll find some good information to help you get started at https://developer.mozilla.org/en/XUL_School/Getting_Started_with_Firefox_Extensions

Is it possible to write whole applications in JavaScript that don’t have to run inside a browser?

Yes it is. As an example, take a look at Node.js (http://www.nodejs.org). Node.js is a platform built on top of Google Chrome’s JavaScript runtime engine and designed for building server-side network applications such as web servers, chat applications, network monitoring tools, and much more.

Where can I read the official JSON documentation?

The JSON syntax is formally described in RFC 4627. You can read it at http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4627. There is also a good deal of information at the official home of JSON, http://json.org/.