What are the Benefits Of DevOps?

--> Release Velocity
--> Development Cycle
--> Full Automation
--> Deployment Rollback
--> Defect Detection
--> Collaboration --> Performance-oriented

Difference between DevOps Vs Agile?

Agile is a set of values and principles about how to develop software in a systematic way.

Where as DevOPs is a way to quickly, easily and repeatably move that software intoproduction infrastructure, in a safe and simple way.
In oder to achieve that we use a set of DevOps tools and techniques.

What Is The Most Important Thing DevOps Helps Us To Achieve?

Most important aspect of DevOps is to get the changes into production as quickly aspossible while minimizing risks in software quality assurance and compliance. This is theprimary objective of DevOps

What Are Some DevOps tools ?

Here is a list of some most important DevOps tools

  • Git
  • Jenkins, Bamboo
  • Selenium
  • 3/71Puppet, BitBucket
  • Chef
  • Ansible, Artifactory
  • Nagios
  • Docker
  • Monit
  • ELK –Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana
  • Collectd/Collect

What Are Advantages of Gradle?

Gradle provides many advantages and here is a list

  • Declarative Builds:
  • Probably one of the biggest advantage of Gradle is Groovylanguage. Gradle provides declarative language elements. Which providea build-byconvention support for Java, Groovy, Web and Scala.

  • Structured Build:
  • Gradle allows developers to apply common design principles totheir build. It provides a perfect structure for build, so that well-structured and easilymaintained, comprehensible build structures can be built.

  • Deep API:
  • Using this API, developers can monitor and customize its configurationand execution behaviors.

  • Scalability:
  • Gradle can easily increase productivity, from simple and single projectbuilds to huge enterprise multi-project builds.

  • Multi-project builds:
  • Gradle supports multi-project builds and also partial builds.
  • Build management:
  • Gradle supports different strategies to manage projectdependencies.

  • First build integration tool −
  • Gradle completely supports ANT tasks, Maven and lvyrepository infrastructure for publishing and retrieving dependencies. It also provides aconverter for turning a Maven pom.xml to Gradle script.

  • Ease of migration:
  • Gradle can easily adapt to any project structure.

  • Gradle Wrapper:
  • Gradle Wrapper allows developers to execute Gradle builds onmachines where Gradle is not installed. This is useful for continuous integration ofservers.

  • Groovy:
  • Gradle's build scripts are written in Groovy, not XML. But unlike otherapproaches this is not for simply exposing the raw scripting power of a dynamiclanguage. The whole design of Gradle is oriented towards being used as a language,not as a rigid framework.