What is VLDB?

VLDB is abbreviation of Very Large Database. A one terabyte database would normally be considered to be a VLDB. Typically, these are decision support systems or transaction processing applications serving large numbers of users.

If de‐normalized is improves data warehouse processes, why fact table is in normal form?

Foreign keys of facts tables are primary keys of Dimension tables. It is clear that fact table contains columns which are primary key to other table that itself make normal form table.

What is BUS Schema?

BUS Schema is composed of a master suite of confirmed dimension and standardized definition if facts

What are the various Reporting tools in the Market?
1. MS-Excel
2. Business Objects (Crystal Reports)
3. Cognos (Impromptu, Power Play)
4. Microstrategy
5. MS reporting services
6. Informatica Power Analyzer
7. Actuate
8. Hyperion (BRIO)
9. Oracle Express OLAP
10. Proclarity 
What is Normalization

Normalization is process for assigning attributes to entities–Reducesdata redundancies–Helps eliminate data anomalies–Produces controlledredundancies to link tables .

Normalization is the analysis offunctional dependency between attributes / data items of userviews?It reduces a complex user view to a set of small andstable subgroups of fields / relations