Which of the three built-in classes would you use to store dates with times in a data frame?

POSIXct classes must be used. Dates don’t store the time information, and POS IXlt dates store their data as lists, which won’t fit inside a data frame.

When is the origin (time 0) for POSIXct and Date dates?

Midnight at the start of January 1, 1970.

What formatting string would you use to display a date as the complete month name followed by the four-digit year number?

"%B %Y"

How would you shift a POSIXct date one hour into the future?

Add 3,600 seconds to it. For example:
x <- Sys.time()
x + 3600
## [1] "2013-07-17 22:44:55 BST"

Using the lubridate package, consider two intervals starting on January 1, 2016. Which will finish later, a duration of one year or a period of one year?

The period will be longer, because 2016 is a leap year. A duration is always exactly 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 seconds. A period of one year will be 366 days in a leap year.

How do you find all the datasets built into R and the packages on your machine?

Call the data function with no arguments.

What is the difference between the read.csv and read.csv2 functions?

read.csv assumes that a decimal place is represented by a full stop (period) and that each item is separated by a comma, whereas read.csv2 assumes that a decimal place is represented by a comma and that each item is separated by a semicolon. read.csv is used for data created in locales where a period is used as a decimal place (most English-speaking locales, for example). read.csv2 is for data created in locales where a comma is used (most European locales, for example). If you are unsure, simply open your data file in a text editor.

How would you import data from an Excel spreadsheet into R?

read.xlsx2 from the xlsx package is a good first choice, but there is also read.xlsx in the same package, and different functions in several other packages.

How would you import data from a CSV file found on the Internet?

You can simply pass the URL to read.csv, or use download.file to get a local copy.

The DBI package provides a consistent interface to several database management systems. Which ones are supported?

Currently SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle databases are supported.