Suppose you have a loan of a certain sum of money from a bank or any cash lender for a particular time, you have to repay it with some additional amount after the expiry of that particular time. The additional amount paid by the you to the lender for the use of money is called interest. The money borrowed by you is called Principal. Interest is generally calculated as a percentage and the interest paid for the use of Rs. 100 is called the rate percent.
Thus, Amount = Principle + Interest
Simple Interest

When interest is calculated on the original principle  for the total time  period for which money is used, it is called  Simple Interest. If P denotes Principle, n the number  of units of time, r the rate of percent  per annum, then

Simple Interest =  
P x r x n
Where P = Principal in rupees, r = rate percent per  annum form, n = no. of units of time.
Amount = Principal + Simple Interest = P +  
P x r x n