Consider the following two SQL statements. Choose the most appropriate option.
1. select substr(first_name, 1,1) fn, SUM(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY first_name;
2. select substr(first_name, 1,1) fn, SUM(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY substr(first_name, 1,1);
  • A.
    Statement 1 and 2 will produce the same result.
  • B.
    Statement 1 and 2 will produce different results.
  • C.
    Statement 1 will fail.
  • D.
    Statement 2 will fail, but statement 1 will succeed.
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Answer : [B]
Explanation :
Both statements are valid. The first statement will produce the number of rows equal to the number of unique first_name values. The second statement will produce the num- ber of rows equal to the unique number of first characters in the first_name column.
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How will the results of the following two SQL statements differ?

Statement 1:
SELECT COUNT(*), SUM(salary)
FROM hr.employees;
Statement 2:
SELECT COUNT(salary), SUM(salary)
FROM hr.employees;
  • A.
    Statement 1 will return one row, and statement 2 may return more than one row.
  • B.
    Both statements will fail because they are missing a GROUP BY clause.
  • C.
    Both statements will return the same results.
  • D.
    Statement 2 might return a smaller COUNT value than statement 1.
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Answer : [D]
Explanation :
COUNT(*) will count all rows in the table. COUNT(salary) will count only the number of salary values that appear in the table. If there are any rows with a NULL salary, state- ment 2 will not count them.
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Why does the following SELECT statement fail?

SELECT colorname Colour, MAX(cost)
FROM itemdetail
GROUP BY colour
  • A.
    A GROUP BY clause cannot contain a column alias.
  • B.
    The condition COUNT(*) > 20 should be in the WHERE clause
  • C.
    The GROUP BY clause must contain the group functions used in the SELECT list.
  • D.
    The HAVING clause can contain only the group functions used in the SELECT list.
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Answer : [A]
Explanation :
A GROUP BY clause must contain the column or expressions on which to perform the grouping operation. It cannot use column aliasing.
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What will the following SQL statement return?

select max(prod_pack_size)
from sh.products
where min(prod_weight_class) = 5;
  • A.
    An exception will be raised.
  • B.
    The largest PROD_PACK_SIZE for rows containing PROD_WEIGHT_CLASS of 5 or higher
  • C.
    The largest PROD_PACK_SIZE for rows containing PROD_WEIGHT_CLASS of 5.
  • D.
    The largest PROD_PACK_SIZE in the SH.PRODUCTS table.
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Answer : [A]
Explanation :
You cannot place a group function in the WHERE clause. Instead, you should use a HAVING clause.
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Why will the following query raise an exception?

select dept_no, avg(distinct salary),
count(job) job_count
from emp
where mgr like 'J%'
or abs(salary) > 10
having count(job) > 5
order by 2 desc;
  • A.
    The HAVING clause cannot contain a group function.
  • B.
    The GROUP BY clause is missing.
  • C.
    ABS() is not an Oracle function.
  • D.
    The query will not raise an exception.
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Answer : [B]
Explanation :
There is at least one column in the SELECT list that is not a constant or group function, so a GROUP BY clause is mandatory.
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