You have confgured an NLB cluster of 10 web servers running Windows Server 2012 R2 and IIS. You discover that web traffc destined for the NLB cluster is distributed very unevenly among the individual NLB cluster members. Port rule settings for each node have not been modifed from the defaults. You want to ensure that client web requests are distributed as evenly as possible among all 10 nodes in the NLB cluster. Which setting should you enable?
  • A.
  • B.
  • C.
  • D.
    Load Weight
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Answer : [A]
Explanation :
  • A. Correct: The Affnity-None setting improves load balancing by increasing the likelihood that the server workload will be distributed equitably among all nodes in the NLB cluster. By default, the Affnity-Single setting is enabled, which returns clients to the same node in an NLB cluster on subsequent visits. If some clients connect to the NLB cluster much more often than others, the distribution of the workload can be very uneven by default. Enabling the Affnity-None setting ensures that each client can connect to different NLB nodes on subsequent visits.
  • B. Incorrect: The question states that port rule settings have not been modifed from the defaults. The Affnity-Single setting is enabled by default, so enabling this setting will have no effect. In addition, Affnity-Single generally does not improve load balancing.
  • C. Incorrect: The Affnity-Network setting ensures that all client requests originating from the same /24 network address are handled by the same node in the NLB cluster. This setting generally does not improve load balancing.
  • D. Incorrect: The Load Weight setting allows you to confgure a node to handle a disproportionate number of incoming client requests. This setting is useful if one NLB host is much more or less powerful than the average host in the NLB cluster. By default, the Load Weight setting ensures that each node will be weighted equally, so if the default settings have not been modifed, Affnity settings and not Load Weight settings are very likely responsible for the uneven distribution of client requests among NLB nodes.
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Your network includes an NLB cluster that is used to support an e-commerce site. Use of the site is growing. Whenever you add a new node to the NLB cluster, you receive complaints from customers that items in their shopping carts disappear. You want to reduce the likelihood that users will experience this problem in the future. What should you do?
  • A.
    Modify the Load Weight settings
  • B.
    Enable the Single Host fltering mode
  • C.
    Enable the Multiple Host fltering mode
  • D.
    Modify the Timeout settings
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Answer : [D]
Explanation :
  • A. Incorrect: The Load Weight setting allows you to confgure a specifc node to handle a disproportionate number of client requests for the service hosted in the NLB cluster. It would not reduce the likelihood that items will disappear from users’ shopping carts.
  • B. Incorrect: Single Host fltering mode eliminates load balancing for a specifc type of traffc defned in a port rule and directs all client requests for that service toward a single host in the NLB cluster. Enabling this setting would not reduce the likelihood that items will disappear from users’ shopping carts.
  • C. Incorrect: Multiple Host fltering mode enables load balancing for a specifc type of traffc defned in a port rule. This mode is enabled by default in a new port rule. Re-enabling Multiple Host fltering mode would not reduce the likelihood that items will disappear from users’ shopping carts.
  • D. Correct: Timeout settings extend affnity between a client and NLB node during periods of convergence, which occurs after a node is added to or removed from an NLB cluster. Without enabling and confguring the Timeout setting, a user can have his session redirected to another NLB node after convergence and lose any items he or she has placed in a shopping cart. The value you confgure for Timeout determines the number of minutes that a client will retain affnity with a specifc node during and after convergence and be able to retain items in the cart.
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You have confgured an NLB cluster. You want to designate a particular server within the NLB cluster to handle all the traffc that is not caught by any port rule. What should you do?
  • A.
    Modify the Load Weight setting
  • B.
    Enable the Single Host fltering mode
  • C.
    Confgure the Host Priority settings
  • D.
    Confgure a Handling Priority
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Answer : [C]
Explanation :
  • A. Incorrect: Load weight affects only traffc that is caught by a port rule. It allows you to confgure a specifc node to handle a disproportionate number of client requests for the service hosted in the NLB cluster.
  • B. Incorrect: Single Host fltering mode is a setting in a port rule that applies only to traffc caught by that port rule. Single Host fltering mode avoids load balancing for the traffc and directs all client requests for that traffc toward a single host in the NLB cluster.
  • C. Correct: Host priority settings apply to the entire NLB cluster. They determine which host in the cluster will receive traffc not caught by any port rule.
  • D. Incorrect: The Handling priority is set for a particular port rule and affects traffc caught by that port rule. The Handling priority determines which host will handle traffc for which Single Host fltering mode is enabled.
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You are designing storage for a failover cluster on two servers running Windows Server 2012 R2. You want to provision disks for the cluster that will enable you to create a storage pool for it. Which of the following sets of physical disks could you use to create a storage pools for the failover cluster?
  • A.
    Three individual disks in an iSCSI storage array without any RAID confguration
  • B.
    Four disks in an iSCSI storage array confgured as a RAID 5
  • C.
    Three individual disks in a SAS storage array without any RAID confguration
  • D.
    Four disks in a SAS storage array confgured as a RAID 5
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Answer : [C]
Explanation :
  • A. Incorrect: A cluster storage pool can only be created from SAS disks.
  • B. Incorrect: A cluster storage pool can only be created from SAS disks. In addition, a cluster storage pool is incompatible with external RAIDs.
  • C. Correct: To create a cluster storage pool, you need three independent SAS disks that are not confgured with any RAID or governed by any disk subsystem.
  • D. Incorrect: You cannot create a cluster storage pool from disks that are confgured as part of a RAID or governed by any disk subsystem.
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You are an IT administrator for Adatum.com. The Adatum.com network includes 50 servers and 750 clients. Forty of the servers are virtualized. To provide storage for all servers, the Adatum.com network uses an iSCSI-based SAN. You are designing storage for a new virtual machine hosted in a failover cluster. Your priorities for the storage are to simplify management of SAN storage and to minimize downtime in case of node failure. What should you do?
  • A.
    Use Server Manager to create a storage pool
  • B.
    Keep VM storage on a cluster shared volume
  • C.
    Provision volumes from an external Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) disk array instead of the iSCSI SAN
  • D.
    Assign a mirrored volume to the cluster
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Answer : [B]
Explanation :
  • A. Incorrect: Creating a storage pool by itself might simplify management of SAN storage, but it won’t minimize downtime in case of node failure. In addition, the SAN storage cannot be confgured as a storage pool for the cluster because it is iSCSI based. Only SAS storage can be used for a cluster storage pool.
  • B. Correct: Keeping VM storage on a cluster shared volume (CSV) will optimize live migration of the VM in case of node failure and minimize downtime. Clustershared volumes will also simplify management of SAN storage by allowing multiple failover cluster nodes to share LUNs.
  • C. Incorrect: If you provision volumes from a SAS array, you will later be able to create a storage pool for the cluster, which might simplify management of storage. However, using a SAS array will not minimize downtime in case of node failure.
  • D. Incorrect: Assigning a mirrored volume to the cluster might prevent node failure if one disk fails, but it will not minimize downtime if a node does fail. In addition, it will not simplify management of SAN storage.
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